It seems that what lay behind the clashes was disagreement over the list of candidates. 冲突的原因似乎是在候选人名单方面没有达成共识。
Administration officials have winnowed the list of candidates to three. 行政官员将候选名单筛减至3人。
The first list item is matched to get a list of candidates. 匹配第一个列表项以获得候选列表项列表。
In the end, they'll typically have a list of candidates, usually no more than 20, to interview. 最后,他们往往会得出一个人选名单,通常不超过20人进入面试程序。
Voters will fill out questionnaires and will be able to see a list of candidates who share their policy positions. 选民们填写调查问卷之后,就可以看到一张和他们持有相同政见的候选人名单。
The 2022 Winter Olympics has become known as the Olympics no one wants to host after a long list of candidates dropped their bids. 在一长串候选城市都放弃之后,2022年冬奥会已经成了有名的谁都不想承办的一届奥运会。
The proportional system means that a list of candidates is presented by each competing party or movement, and the Palestinians all over the territories will be asked to vote for the list. 全比例系统的意思就是:每个竞争的党派和运动的组织提交自己候选人的名单,巴基斯坦的所有地区将会按照名单上的所有候选人进行全民选举。
The "first gentleman" himself will probably lead their Peronist party's list of candidates in Buenos Aires province. 这位第一绅士自己很有可能将党派候选人名单带到布宜诺斯艾利斯省。
A list of candidates was worked out after full consultation. 经过充分协商,拟定了侯选人名单。
A list of candidates running for office; 候选人选票竞选职位的后选人名单;
Even before we have a final list of candidates, they have made up their minds. 甚至在我们还没有得到入围候选人名单的时候,他们就已经拿定主意了。
Keep it up-you're building a fine reputation as an innovator, and when promotions are doled out in August, you'll be on the short list of candidates. 保持住,你正在建立一个创新者的好名声,当8月作提升决定的时候,你会在候选人名单上。
We narrowed the list of candidates down from ten to three. 我们将候选人的人数从十人筛选至三人。
The constituency system is that each district in Gaza and the West Bank prepares a list of candidates and the residents of each district vote for the list. 区域代表制的操作方式为加沙及西岸的各个行政区域各自提交一份候选者清单,并由所在区域的居民对各自区域清单上的人进行投票。
The preliminary list of candidates include: xilingol hay station ranch. 初期候选名单上包括:锡林郭勒草料站牧场。
To minimise their expected losses, the Kurds are bent on ensuring that all the non-Sunni minorities, such as the Christians, Yazidis and Shabaks, vote for a Kurdish-led list of candidates. 为了将他们的预期损失减到最低,库尔德人决定确保所有的非逊尼派少数族群,例如基督徒、Yazidis和Shabaks,为库尔德人的候选名单投票。
View list of candidates who have been sponsored to the guild. 察看工会的候补成员名单。
They narrowed the list of candidates down to just two. 他们把候选人减少到只有两个人。
( US) list of candidates for nomination or electio 提名的或候选人的名单
Once all of the special awards have been determined, a list of candidates for the Grand Prize is drawn up. 一旦所有特别奖项被决定下来,那么一份大奖获取候选人名单将被拟订出来。
Somehow donovan's name had got onto the list of candidates. 不知怎么的,多诺万的名字出现在候选人的名单上。
Advance Return of Donations by a Geographical Constituency List of Candidates 地方选区候选人名单接受捐赠预先申报书
Decide on and publish the official list of candidates for deputies on the basis of the opinions of the majority of voters; 根据较多数选民的意见,确定和公布正式代表候选人的名单;
They'd left my name off the list of candidates. 他们没有把我的名字加在候选人名单里。
Who is on the short list of candidates for the job? 谁在这个工作的最后候选名单上?
Similarly, before an election takes place in a Party organization, the necessary exchanges of views and discussion should be carried out among the electors regarding the proposed list of candidates. 同样,在党组织进行选举的时候,候选人的名单也应该在选举人中间进行必要的酝酿和讨论。
The man said that it was desirable that he should be on the short list of candidates for the election if he wished. 这个人说如果他愿意,他是有望上本次选举候选人名单的。
But he says there are the makings of a deal over his job: instead of choosing the chief executive, the election committee could draw up a list of candidates to be voted on by the public. 但他说,参选特首的好处在于:选举委员会可以提出一份供公众投票的候选人名单,并非选择特首本身。
Their names should be struck from the list of candidates. 应该从候选人名单中删去他们的名字。
Fortunately he has an ideal list of candidates in his Manchester Business School Alumni list. 幸运的是,他的曼彻斯特商学院校友录包含了一份理想的候选人名单。